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A.TRU Featured

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Music, espacially Hip Hop and RnB casted a spell over A. Tru very early. At the age of 13 in 2003 a friend lent him a album of 50 Cent and since then A. Tru became an enthusiastic fan of Rap. He made his first rap experience when he was 14. He wrote his own lyrics and started to try rapping in his room. But he quit his "Rapcareer" one year later because he started to hear Rnb and soon he got inspired by his untill now biggest idol and inspiration Craig David. A. Tru didn't sympathize with the whish of his little sister, that he should try focusing on singing, because he belived that he was a better rapper than singer. In 2007 he started singing after all and he liked it. And so he sang every day. He had no singing classes but taught himself singing. With his best friend who sings as well he started to write lyrics. They motivated themselfs so they got better and better. In 2009 they had their first gig in their neighborhood. A. Tru's ambition payed off 2 years later when he got the chance to participate in a music project against drugs and violence where he had to write his own song. The song was well-received by the listeners and it mades his way through many youth centres. A. Tru's lyrics touch the people not only because it is good but it is real.

His slogan: "What I do is Amazin' Tru!"


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release on Radium Records:

 Me & You


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